IFC R2.0 Exchange File...back
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IFC Reporter is built using the IFCsvr component (Secom Co., Ltd.)

IFC-file: BLIS_Helsinki_AC_4floors.ifc
NOTE: Hold down the shift key and click on a link to download file.

Table of contents:

Header data

Description: ArchiCAD generated IFC file.
Originating System: Windows System
Preprocessor Version: PreProc - IFC Toolbox Version 2.0 (99/07/01)
Time Stamp: 2000-11-20T10:03:07
Author: Architect
Organization: Building Designer Office
Authorisation: The authorising person.
FileFormat: IFC
Implementation Level: 2;1


Model size: 42768 objects
Model scope: 59 of 260 object types in IFC R2.0 used (23%)
IfcApplication (3) IfcArbitraryProfileDef (65) IfcAttDrivenExtrudedSegment (650)
IfcAttDrivenExtrudedSolid (650) IfcAuditTrail (64) IfcAxis2Placement2D (585) IfcAxis2Placement3D (2729)
IfcBoundingBox (911) IfcBuilding (1) IfcBuildingStorey (4) IfcCartesianPoint (7929)
IfcClassification (2) IfcClassificationList (2) IfcClassificationNotation (2) IfcColumn (30)
IfcDirection (969) IfcDoor (55) IfcExtensionPropertySet (649) IfcLineConnectionGeometry (275)
IfcLocalPlacement (2082) IfcMaterial (6) IfcMaterialLayer (7) IfcMaterialLayerSet (5)
IfcMaterialLayerSetUsage (243) IfcMaterialList (30) IfcNotationFacet (2) IfcOpeningElement (316)
IfcOrganization (6) IfcOwnerHistory (64) IfcPerson (3) IfcPersonAndOrganization (3)
IfcPolyLoop (145) IfcPolyline (1887) IfcProductDefinitionShape (1056) IfcProject (1)
IfcPropertyList (965) IfcPropertySet (110) IfcRectangleProfileDef (585) IfcRelAssignsProperties (649)
IfcRelAssignsTypedProperties (110) IfcRelConnectsPathElements (275) IfcRelContains (68) IfcRelFillsElement (316)
IfcRelSeparatesSpaces (521) IfcRelVoidsElement (316) IfcRepresentationContext (1706) IfcShapeRepresentation (1706)
IfcSiUnit (8) IfcSimpleProperty (12442) IfcSite (1) IfcSlab (4)
IfcSpace (61) IfcSpaceBoundary (919) IfcTable (2) IfcTableRow (8)
IfcTransaction (64) IfcUnitAssignment (1) IfcWall (239) IfcWindow (261)


- GUID length is 20 characters.
- GUIDs are unique.
- Characters used in the GUIDs : !#$%&*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz|~
- P21 comment tag */ used in GUIDs !!!

Building elements

  1. IfcColumn
  2. IfcDoor
  3. IfcSlab
  4. IfcWall
  5. IfcWindow
IfcColumn Instances 30
Pre defined types IfcColumn does not have any pre defined types.
User defined types None defined
Common concepts - Classification
- Document references
Placement + Placement relative to: IfcBuildingStorey
1. Count: 30
Geometry element: IfcAttDrivenExtrudedSolid
RepresentationIdentifier: Design-Rep
RepresentationType: Standard
ContextIdentifier: Plan
ContextType: Design

2. Count: 30
Geometry element: IfcBoundingBox
RepresentationIdentifier: Design-Rep
RepresentationType: BoundingBox
ContextIdentifier: Plan
ContextType: Outline
calc -Attributes + calcColumnSectionArea
+ calcColumnVolume
Properties + Graphisoft AC65 (30)
Part of groups Not a member of any group.
Contained by + BuildingStoreyContainer|Contained (30)
Relationships + IfcRelSeparatesSpaces
IfcDoor Instances 55
Pre defined types IfcDoor does not have any pre defined types.
User defined types + SingleSwing (54)
+ DoubleSwing (1)
Common concepts - Classification
- Document references
Placement + Placement relative to: IfcOpeningElement
1. Count: 55
Geometry element: Not defined
RepresentationIdentifier: Not defined
RepresentationType: Not defined
ContextIdentifier: Not defined
ContextType: Not defined
calc -Attributes IfcDoor does not have any calc -Attributes
Properties + Pset_DoorCommon (55)
+ Pset_DoorPanelSwinging (55)
+ Graphisoft AC65 (55)
Part of groups Not a member of any group.
Contained by + BuildingStoreyContainer|Contained (55)
+ SpaceContainer|Referenced (109)
Relationships + IfcRelSeparatesSpaces
+ IfcRelFillsElement
IfcSlab Instances 4
Pre defined types - NotDefined
- UserDefined
+ Floor (3)
+ Roof (1)
User defined types None defined
Common concepts - Classification
- Document references
Placement + Placement relative to: IfcBuildingStorey
1. Count: 1
Geometry element: IfcAttDrivenExtrudedSolid
RepresentationIdentifier: Design-Rep
RepresentationType: Advanced
ContextIdentifier: Plan
ContextType: Design

2. Count: 4
Geometry element: IfcBoundingBox
RepresentationIdentifier: Design-Rep
RepresentationType: BoundingBox
ContextIdentifier: Plan
ContextType: Outline

3. Count: 3
Geometry element: IfcAttDrivenExtrudedSolid
RepresentationIdentifier: Design-Rep
RepresentationType: Standard
ContextIdentifier: Plan
ContextType: Design
calc -Attributes + calcSlabArea
+ calcSlabVolume
Properties + Graphisoft AC65 (3)
Part of groups Not a member of any group.
Contained by + BuildingStoreyContainer|Contained (4)
Relationships No relationships.
IfcWall Instances 239
Pre defined types IfcWall does not have any pre defined types.
User defined types None defined
Common concepts - Classification
- Document references
Placement + Placement relative to: IfcBuildingStorey
1. Count: 239
Geometry element: IfcAttDrivenExtrudedSolid
RepresentationIdentifier: Extruded
RepresentationType: Standard
ContextIdentifier: Plan
ContextType: Design

2. Count: 239
Geometry element: IfcBoundingBox
RepresentationIdentifier: e-Box
RepresentationType: BoundingBox
ContextIdentifier: Plan
ContextType: Outline
calc -Attributes + calcWallArea
+ calcWallVolume
Properties + Graphisoft AC65 (239)
Part of groups Not a member of any group.
Contained by + BuildingStoreyContainer|Contained (239)
Relationships + IfcRelConnectsPathElements
+ IfcRelSeparatesSpaces
IfcWindow Instances 261
Pre defined types IfcWindow does not have any pre defined types.
User defined types + Simple (261)
Common concepts - Classification
- Document references
Placement + Placement relative to: IfcOpeningElement
1. Count: 261
Geometry element: IfcBoundingBox
RepresentationIdentifier: WINDOW
RepresentationType: BoundingBox
ContextIdentifier: Plan
ContextType: Outline
calc -Attributes IfcWindow does not have any calc -Attributes
Properties + Graphisoft AC65 (261)
Part of groups Not a member of any group.
Contained by + BuildingStoreyContainer|Contained (261)
+ SpaceContainer|Referenced (295)
Relationships + IfcRelSeparatesSpaces
+ IfcRelFillsElement


IfcSpace Instances 61
Pre defined types IfcSpace does not have any pre defined types.
User defined types None defined
Common concepts - Classification
- Document references
Placement + Placement relative to: IfcBuildingStorey
1. Count: 61
Geometry element: IfcAttDrivenExtrudedSolid
RepresentationIdentifier: Design-Rep
RepresentationType: Standard
ContextIdentifier: Plan
ContextType: Design

2. Count: 61
Geometry element: IfcBoundingBox
RepresentationIdentifier: Design-Rep
RepresentationType: BoundingBox
ContextIdentifier: Plan
ContextType: Outline
calc -Attributes + calcTotalPerimeter
+ calcTotalArea
+ calcTotalVolume
+ calcAverageHeight
+ calcAverageGrossHeight
+ calcAverageClearHeight
+ calcElevationWithFlooring
Properties + Graphisoft AC65 (61)
Part of groups Not a member of any group.
Contained by + BuildingStoreyContainer|Contained (61)
Relationships + IfcSpaceBoundary

Space boundaries

IfcSpaceBoundary Instances 919
Pre defined types IfcSpaceBoundary does not have any pre defined types.
User defined types None defined
Common concepts - Classification
- Document references
Placement + Placement relative to: IfcBuildingStorey
1. Count: 774
Geometry element: Not defined
RepresentationIdentifier: Not defined
RepresentationType: Not defined
ContextIdentifier: Not defined
ContextType: Not defined

2. Count: 145
Geometry element: IfcPolyLoop
RepresentationIdentifier: Space Boundary
RepresentationType: Standard
ContextIdentifier: Plan
ContextType: Design
calc -Attributes + calcBoundarySurfaceArea
Properties No attached property definitions.
Part of groups Not a member of any group.
Contained by Not contained by anything.
Relationships No relationships.


  1. Graphisoft AC65
  2. Pset_DoorCommon
  3. Pset_DoorPanelSwinging
Graphisoft AC65 Definition source Graphisoft AC65
Instances 649
Used by + IfcWall (239)
+ IfcDoor (55)
+ IfcSpace (61)
+ IfcSlab (3)
+ IfcColumn (30)
+ IfcWindow (261)
Properties + IfcPropertyList / WALL (239)
+ IfcPropertyList / DOOR (55)
+ IfcPropertyList / LIBPARAM (316)
+ IfcPropertyList / SPACE (61)
+ IfcPropertyList / SLAB (3)
+ IfcPropertyList / COLUMN (30)
+ IfcPropertyList / WINDOW (261)
Pset_DoorCommon Definition source IAI (pre defined PropertySet)
Instances 55
Used by + IfcDoor (55)
Properties + IfcSimpleProperty / Reference (55)
+ IfcSimpleProperty / Description (55)
+ IfcSimpleProperty / NominalHeight (55)
+ IfcSimpleProperty / NominalWidth (55)
- IfcObjectReference / HardwareGroup
- IfcObjectReference / Shading
+ IfcSimpleProperty / IsExterior (55)
+ IfcSimpleProperty / ParameterTakesPrecedence (55)
+ IfcSimpleProperty / ArbitraryShapeRepresentation (55)
+ IfcSimpleProperty / OrientationToExterior (55)
- IfcSimplePropertyWithUnit / Infiltration
- IfcSimplePropertyWithUnit / ThermalTransmittanceCoefficient
- IfcSimpleProperty / FireRating
- IfcSimpleProperty / AcousticRating
- IfcSimpleProperty / SecurityRating
Pset_DoorPanelSwinging Definition source IAI (pre defined PropertySet)
Instances 55
Used by + IfcDoor (55)
Properties - IfcObjectReference / CommonDoorPanelProperties
+ IfcSimpleProperty / LeftNotRightSwing (55)
- IfcSimpleProperty / SwingStartAngle
- IfcSimpleProperty / IncludedSwingAngle